Explore the Raw Foodism
It is realistic to raise your vitality and creative potential to a whole order of magnitude higher, without any training and other manipulations of the soul and body. To prolong your active and creative prime. And the impending sunset, as it happens after forty years, when employers, as well as the opposite sex you are no longer interesting, to postpone indefinitely. This will require turning a dead kitchen into a living one. On this site, you will learn the flawed nature of common eating stereotypes and how you can hack them. Eating live food will not only affect your intelligence and vitality, but also, of course, your appearance, which is always quite impressive. Living cuisine (not to be confused with vegetarianism) is the food system of the people of the third millennium of the new wave civilization.
Why raw food can keep us young ?
In our material basis we are a kind of drops of animated water. An old person is a dried-up drop, unless, of course, he is fat. The body ages when the water leaves its cells. Why does it leave them? One reason is that free radicals suck water out of the cells after energy - like a pump. Probably, many people have heard about free radicals and antioxidants, but most likely vaguely realise what they are. So, free radicals are vampire molecules - they are positively charged, incomplete and viciously hungry because they lack a free electron. These vampires are looking to snatch a free electron. And they snatch it from a defenceless cell. As a result, the cell loses energy - the life force, with all the consequences. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are negatively charged molecules that carry a free electron. Such molecules are donors, they neutralize free radicals.
The aging process is quite simple: your appearance is a reflection of your health, and you are only as young as the charge in your cell batteries. Health depends directly on the cleanliness of the body. The purity of the body depends on what and how you feed it. The charge of your cells, or, in other words, their "liveliness" is also directly related to the degree of "liveliness" of your nutrition. Living water, air and food are antioxidants. Dead water, air and food are free radicals. The former recharge cells and rejuvenate the body, the latter take away this charge and accelerate the aging process. That's the main thing to know. The truth is always simple and lies on the surface. The usual diet of the average person consists of food cooked on fire, this is dead food. Living food, on the other hand, is that which has not been heat-treated. Similarly with water and air. What the average person breathes and drinks is dead. And not just because of pollution, which everyone knows about. Let's put it this way: we only know what we are supposed to know as an obedient part of the system. Many other vital things are simply not told to us. Everything born of natural wildlife undergoes radical, though not always visible, changes when it comes into contact with technogenic civilization.
In nature, no one except man cooks his food on fire. Boiled food can only sustain existence. And this is not an achievement of the human mind, but its fatal error. In cooked and canned food, practically all useful substances are converted into inorganic, dead substances. Organic substances differ from inorganic at the quantum level. Only organic substances contained in living (not cooked!) plants are digested. Plants, unlike us, are able not only to accumulate chemical inorganics from the environment, but also to transform it into a form acceptable to animal organisms.
Enzymes what are they?
Enzymes are the substances that make life possible. They are essential in every chemical reaction that takes place in our bodies. Without enzymes, there would be no active activity in the living body at all. They are the "laborers" that build the body like builders build houses. Nutrients, vitamins, minerals are only building materials. All movement on the "construction site" is provided by enzymes. And they serve not just inert catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions. As it turned out, in the process of their action enzymes give a certain radiation, which is not the case with catalysts. Enzymes are made up of protein transporters charged with energy, as in an electric battery. Where does our body get enzymes from? Apparently, we inherit a certain enzyme potential at birth. This limited supply of energy is designed to last a lifetime. It's like having a certain amount of seed money. If you only spend it, you go bankrupt. Similarly, the sooner you use up your enzyme energy, the sooner your life force is depleted. When you reach a point where your body is no longer able to produce enzymes, your life is over. The battery goes dead.
By consuming heat-treated food, people carelessly squander their limited supply of enzymes. According to Dr. Edward Howell, this is one of the main causes of all diseases, premature aging and early death.
Raw foods contain their own enzymes that allow autolysis - the food is digested easily because it is mostly cooked in its own juices. But if you eat cooked food devoid of enzymes, the body has to divert its reserves to digest it. This is what leads to a decrease in the limited enzyme potential
What's clogging up our bodies?
Knowledge of Raw Foodism
Obviously, the Knowledge of living food has come to us from ancient times, and from the very "highest authorities". This is truly a relic Knowledge, which, surprisingly, was so carelessly and ineptly lost. And now we have to gather it by bits and pieces, because the experience of live nutrition is practically absent. So, what does this Knowledge give us? Eating natural food, you gradually move into the range of higher vibrations. You gain confidence, inner core, freedom. Your consciousness, unlike the companions of Sinbad, as well as all other members of the "consumer society", really becomes clearer. "Cockroaches" run away from your head. You begin to see reality as it is. The essence of things is revealed to you. Everything becomes transparent and clear to you, as if the veil falls away. You think clearly and express yourself clearly. You feel lightness, strength, high alertness in terms of energy.When you start eating mostly natural living foods and eliminate any stimulants and relaxants from your diet, including tea and coffee, the changes you'll see in the mirror will come quite quickly.
What happens when the intake of stimulants, relaxants and dead food stops? The body is not immediately, but it is cleansed, the energy is restored and already flows freely and powerfully, including through the eyes. That is why they begin to literally shine with inner light. This is really impressive. Rejuvenation is also promoted by the fact that live food alkalizes the body. The fact that all internal environments must be alkaline, otherwise the body fails and stops, like an engine on dirty gasoline. The blood pH of a healthy person is 7.43 If this indicator falls to 7.1, a person dies. You see, it's only a tenth of a tenth that separates us from death. People, eating and drinking dead synthetics, do not suspect that they are bringing themselves to the fatal boundary. Their body can no longer withstand such an onslaught, its reserves run out, and it gives up. Ambulance doctors give such patients injections of elementary drinking soda to "break up" the acidic and viscous blood, which can barely flow through the vessels, so that the patient does not die on the way to the intensive care unit.
But that's not all. It turns out that parasites cannot live in an alkaline environment - only putrefactive and acidic environments are suitable for their existence. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of "strangers" by one-time anti-parasitic cleansing. The body is infected with their larvae every day. For information: worm eggs, for example, can be found on any household items - on money, telephone handsets, railings of public transportation, in the air - everywhere. And 90 percent of all diseases are directly or indirectly caused by parasites.
It is reliably known that one hundred percent raw foodists have no parasites.Plants have been waging war on parasites since the dawn of life on Earth, and no one does it better than them. Living plant food shifts the pH of the body to the alkaline side, i.e. where it should be. As a consequence, unbearable conditions for parasites arise in the body.