Steamed turnips
It is not necessary to peel the turnip from the peel - it contains many useful substances. Remove only the stem part and defects, as well as the green peel, if any, which can be toxic. The steamer can be water (pot and pan) or electric. Turnips steamed for a maximum of half an hour. The onions and garlic are put in the same place, only later, 5-10 minutes before they are ready. The amount of products in the recipe is not specified - everything is taken according to taste and needs. In addition to turnips you can add parsley and parsnip roots, try the variety of flavors. The turnips are served with finely chopped or ground hot peppers, herbs, flaxseed or cedar oil. It can be lightly salted. The pepper is to enhance the flavor and digestion, and at the same time as a prophylactic against parasites. Flaxseed or cedar oil, unlike sunflower or olive oil, is lighter and healthier. But for flavor you can add some unrefined sunflower oil.
Oatmeal mousse
Put the oats in a colander, rinse them with running water, put them in an enameled basin, pour drinking water over them and leave them for 3-4 hours. Put the swollen grain in one large or several containers with holes (colander), cover with wet gauze in four layers. After 12-14 hours, the grains will sprout. Then grind in a blender in several steps. To do this, fill the blender with the grain and drinking water so that the water at the bottom one third covered the grain. Now the mass should be squeezed. Next, the kissel should be poured into glass jars and put for 2 -3 days in a cool, but not cold place (temperature 15-20 ° C). This is done in order to sour the kisel a little sour. (Dill and caraway seeds are required for better fermentation.) The flavor of the kisel will improve, and uu piling it will be easier. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. Before Stir well before use, as the soursel separates into fractions. It can be consumed in its natural, live form.
Live vegetable soup
Coarsely chop tomatoes, onion, garlic and pepper and put into a blender. Vinegar, oil and pepper are added. No salt required. Then add drinking water, not to the top, and blend on medium speed for 15-20 seconds. After this, the remaining herbs are loaded. The principle here is as follows: the main nutritional value is in the greens, everything else is for flavor, so you can improvise, including with seasonings. When everything is loaded, grind on high speed for 45 seconds and pour into jars or immediately into plates. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
Linseed porridge
Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder. Add cold or warm water and honey to the ground flax. Stir the porridge is ready. The advantage of this dish is that it is a living porridge - not boiled, it does not take away energy, but gives.In flaxseeds minimum content of inhibitors, therefore so they don't need to be soaked and sprouted. But a lot of calcium, protein, as well as one essential substance for the body Omega-3 oil.
Cut eggplants into 1.5 cm thick circles. Cut the tomatoes into 0.7 cm thick slices. Finely chop the garlic. Put the eggplants into boiling lightly salted water. Bring to the boil, remove. Grease a baking tray (for air grill or oven) with sunflower oil. Arrange the eggplants on the tray, lightly salt, sprinkle with garlic, cover with tomatoes and place in a heated air grill (oven). Set the temperature in the air grill to 200°C, fan speed medium, time - 30 minutes. Cover a plate with lettuce leaves, place the cooked eggplant on them, then sprinkle again and sprinkle with garlic again.
Eggplant roe
Peel the eggplants from the skin. Chop all the vegetables so that they are easy to put into the meat grinder. Finely chop one tomato and the garlic. Take a pot with thick and high walls. Pour half a centimeter of sunflower oil (unrefined, first pressing) on the bottom and heat over medium heat. Sauté the tomato and garlic for 3-5 minutes. for three to five minutes. Then pour the whole mixture into the pan. Add salt, a little ground black pepper, and braise for 3 to 5 minutes. and stew over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. with a wooden spatula. After 15 minutes, turn down the heat a little. Cooking time - 25-30 minutes, no longer. At the very end add finely chopped herbs and stir. Then pour cold water into a basin (then change it a couple of times) and put the pan in it to cool down quickly. Quickly chilled food retains more vibrancy. Put in jars, store in in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.
Mussels in lemon juice
Defrost the mussels at room temperature, or better in the refrigerator, even though it takes longer. They should look fresh and not have a rancid odor. If large, cut into halves, drizzle with lemon juice, sprinkle with herbs, pepper to taste and stir. You can leave them to marinate in the refrigerator for a few hours and they will become softer, but you can eat them immediately, with onions, garlic, mustard or wasabi.
Marinated squid
Defrost the calamari at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Frozen food should look reasonably fresh and not have a rancid odor. Remove the skin and innards and rinse with cold water. Slice the squid into slices and the onions into circles. Add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything, put in a glass or enameled bowl and seal so that all the mass was in the juice. Put it in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the dish is ready.
Pure borscht
Cook on high heat and quickly, so it is advisable to cut all the vegetables in advance. The ratio of ingredients can be taken according to your intuition and preferences. Beets do not need a lot, otherwise it will be sweet, it is to taste. All kinds of greens can be spared. sparingly. The main principle: vegetables are put into boiling water sequentially - first those that cook longer, then those that cook faster. Cut potatoes not very finely, but not coarsely. Carrots - thin circles, with veklu - straw, cabbage and everything else as you like. Pour 2/3 of the water into a pot, add a teaspoon of salt and a bay leaf. bay leaf, bring to a boil, throw in the potatoes, then, stirring, bring to a boil, throw in beets and carrots, you can parsley roots, again bring to a boil, let simmer a little, load cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, sweet and hot peppers. Bring to a boil again, stirring. But do not boil. At the very end put onions, green onions, parsley, a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a little cedar oil, do not bring to a boil, stir and turn off the heat. Vegetables should be taken in such quantity that the borscht turns out thick.
Sprouts halva
Rinse the sunflower seeds (unpeeled) and soak them in drinking water for 3 hours. Throw them in a colander, cover with wet gauze in four layers and leave at room temperature overnight (or for a day, as convenient). Sprouted seeds twist on a meat grinder with a fine or medium grating twice. Add honey, perga, cocoa, stir everything. Halva is ready. You can add a handful of apricot pits or almonds to spice it up. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
Vegetable stew
Pour 1/3 water into a pot, add seasonings, boil. Young vegetables do not need to be peeled. Load potatoes cut into 4 pieces, bring to a boil, cook for 3 - 5 minutes. Then successively put in, bringing to a boil: carrots, cabbage, tomato, garlic, sweet and hot peppers. Turnip onion (can be together with green onion), sunflower oil and herbs at the very end put, stir and turn off the fire. Strong and clean dish is ready. Everything is done simply and quickly. It is better to consume at once. Cool the rest in cold water and put it in the refrigerator.
Wild rice
Rinse the rice and soak in water for 2 hours. The ratio of water to rice is 3:1. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then wrap the pot in a blanket for one and a half to two hours. Then drain excess water, if any, from the pot. Put the rice in plates, finely chop the tomato, garlic and hot pepper (you can use ground red pepper). Add apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt and stir. Add cedar oil, stir again and the dish is ready.
Live candies
Grind the cocoa beans with a coffee grinder in several steps. Do not grind too much at once, because cocoa is rich in oil. You need a sufficiently powerful grinder (170V). But not a burr grinder, but an ordinary one, because burr grinders get clogged. Chop the nuts with a knife on a board. Mix all the dry ingredients. Add honey, not very thick (if solid, melt in a water bath, not higher than 41 ° C). The flavor of candy depends on the honey. It is better to take honey of neutral, not expressed flavor. Knead the dough. This is a rather labor-intensive procedure, but doable. Knead with your hands until the dough becomes elastic, like plasticine. Line a cutting board with parchment, roll out the dough into sausages and cut into equal portions. Finally, mold balls or other shapes, put away in the refrigerator. Ready candies will be expediently packed wrapped in foil or cellophane bags. In the refrigerator are stored for quite a long time up to a month, or even more.
Salad with peas
It is good to make this salad in summer, when young peas are available. Green peas can be eaten raw, because there are still very few inhibitors in them. You get a vitamin salad, plus rich in protein. In winter, frozen peas will do. Salads are dressed with equal parts of vinegar and light oil.
Mushroom stew
Pour half a pot of water, put washed and cut mushrooms in it, bring to a boil, drain the water. Pour new water over the mushrooms so that it covers a little bit of the top, add pepper, bay leaf, salt, bring to a boil. Load potatoes, cut into four pieces, bring to a boil, add oil, cook for about 5-10 minutes, until the potatoes are ready, stirring. At the very end add herbs and onions, cut into circles. cut in circles. Stir and turn off the fire. Onions and herbs are not cooked - only stirred. If you want the dish to resemble the taste of pickled mushrooms, at the very beginning add 5 pieces of oregano pepper peas, 2-3 cloves and 3 - 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Beets with garlic
It is not necessary to boil young vegetables. Grate beet coarsely, garlic finely. Add apple cider vinegar, mix. Then add the butter and mix again. The dish is ready. Fresh beets should be used a little at a time, no more than one small at a time. Old beets are better boiled on a steamer, and then peel the skin. Cook them the same way as young beets, with the addition of a small amount of hot pepper and salt.
Broccoli salad
Chop the broccoli not too finely, put it in a preheated steamer and blanch for no more than 5 minutes. Chop the walnuts, not too finely either. Add the vinegar, stir, add the oil, stir again (the vinegar is stirred before the oil so that it is better absorbed). This is the simplest recipe. You can also add some sweet and hot peppers. The flavor will intensify.
Broccoli cream soup
Blanch the broccoli, take the flax and grind it in a coffee grinder in 2-3 steps. Load everything into a blender, add garlic, apple cider vinegar, pour water and grind on high speed. You can add some walnuts to the finished cream soup.