Basic Principles of Raw Food Diet

It is necessary to exclude

Supermarket long stored fruits and vegetables

Fast food boxes and sachets

Meat from large industrial production

All varieties of fast food

Refined oil, margarine, spread

Fish and seafood grown under artificial conditions

Products whose composition does not inspire confidence and trust

Semi-finished products

Yeast baked goods

supermarket synthetic products

Products of extra virgin flour

bottles, boxes and jars with long shelf life

But don't confuse avoiding junk food with asceticism. The point is to replace specifically unhealthy foods with less unhealthy ones whenever possible. For example, sugar - with honey, pastries and cakes - with 72°/o chocolate or dried fruits, cooked - with boiled, pan - with a steamer, fatty - with lean, olive and sunflower oil - with flaxseed or cedar oil, porridge - with sprouted legumes and cereals, wild rice. It is not self-restriction, but replacement of some products with other, more valuable and less toxic. 

Natural products

In the supermarket, there is hardly 1-5°/o of what can be considered natural products. (Although reality is changing and progress is being made.) A product that is "encapsulated and buried" for a long shelf life cannot be considered natural. Additives that mimic "Identical to natural" are also synthetic, no matter how they are labeled. It is necessary to look for permanent, reliable producers and suppliers of ecologically clean and honest products, mainly on the market, among small and medium-sized sane farmers. If you set your mind to it, you will always find them. Many things can be ordered via the Internet.

Separate diet

Do not mix incompatible foods in one meal. If you mix everything in a pile - proteins, carbohydrates, desserts, then the food is not digested, and mostly rotting, clogging the body. Proteins are digested in an acidic environment, carbohydrates - in an alkaline one. If together, you get a mess. Animal proteins: meat, fish, eggs, cheese. Plant proteins: nuts, legumes, seeds. Slow carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, cereals, flour products. Fast carbohydrates: fruits, honey. None of the above groups are combined with another. Combinations within groups are also undesirable. Possible only minor "inclusions" of one in another, for example, nuts and seeds in a vegetable salad. Exceptions: nuts can be eaten with honey. Greens can be combined with any food.

Do not mix these products

Animal proteins

meat, fish, eggs, cheese

Plant proteins

nuts, legumes, seeds

Slow carbohydrates

potatoes, cereals, flour

Fast carbohydrates

fruits, honey

Single food

Dishes should be as simple and one-syllable as possible, consisting of similar ingredients. Similar with similar; for example, a vegetable stew is simple. Meat or fish with a side dish is complicated. First, second, third medley is too complicated. Dessert should be a separate meal at a separate time. It is better to eat more, but one thing at a time. Meat and fish - only with a small amount of fresh vegetables and plenty of greens.

Successive meals

In one meal and throughout the day, consume first those foods that digest faster, followed by those that take longer to digest. The products line up as follows in terms of digestion rate:

1. Freshly squeezed juice. 2. Fresh berries, fruits, honey. 3. Dried fruits. 4. Fresh vegetables, herbs. 5. Live porridges. 6. Natural grain breads. 7. Vegetable oil. 8. Fresh fish. 9. Young cheese. 1О. Cooked vegetables. 11. Fresh seafood. 12. Cooked legumes. 13. Cooked porridge. 14. Boiled fish. 15. Nuts. 16. Boiled seafood. 17. Butter. 18. Cooked meat. 19. Hard cheese, eggs.

Predominantly Clean Products

These are the foods that are digested faster, as in the list above. The human gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is so organized that it occupies an intermediate position between herbivores and carnivores. Humans are is a frugivorous creature. The most adequate food for him is of plant origin - berries, fruits, vegetables, seeds. There may be food of animal origin, but in relatively small proportions. Here it is important not to put restrictions, but to prioritize. Plant and fresh food is much cleaner than animal and processed food.Your diet should include at least more than half plant-based foods.

Seasonal Food

Give preference to fruits and vegetables in season. Berries ripen first - you can pounce on them, and put off-season fruits aside. Then comes the turn of cherries, cherries, apricots - eat them more. Then there are cucumbers, sweet peppers, tomatoes - pounce on them. And so on. In winter you should already give preference to dried fruits, nuts, seaweed, sprouted grains. Do not get carried away by greenhouse vegetables. They can be full of chemicals. In winter, it is better to eat seaweed and sauerkraut. 


The abrupt transition to live plant foods can be accompanied by unpleasant effects. A crisis occurs: digestion becomes upset, old diseases worsen or new ones appear from somewhere, weight decreases sharply, headaches, toothaches, allergic reactions, irritability, nervousness,feeling unwell and even depressed. Of course, everything will normalize with time. However, it is the crisis period, when instead of the expected improvement comes on the contrary, the deterioration of everything, is the main reason why people can not stand it and return to dead food. An abrupt transition is not good in every way. It is highly stressful to both the mind and the body. Increase the proportion of living plant food in your diet should be gradually, without stress, with pleasure. You should not be in a hurry. Purification can take years and it worth it. After all, the garbage has been accumulating for years.


Nutrition should be, first of all, varied and complete, and not fanatical, as it happens - a person hears by the edge of the ear about the wonders of living food and begins to eat, literally, only apples. The transition should be gradual and natural. The main principle is not restriction and refusal of some products, but their gradual replacement and displacement by others. The highest (most effective) form of nutrition, if desired, can be a monotrophic living diet, when only one product is consumed at a time. In other words, it is strictly separate nutrition. Food in this case is assimilated in the most optimal and complete way. This is what you should strive for.

Drink Water

The body signals thirst only at the last moment, when it has already reached a dangerous limit. This is why a person can drink coffee all day and not feel thirsty. The body is unpretentious and can be satisfied with the smallest of things. But this does not mean that it does not need to be taken care of. Depending on your weight, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day, in small portions. Preferably structured water, and better still, live water. Not later than 15 minutes before a meal, and not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after.